These blue hydrangeas are a tough color to process. Adobe Camera Raw makes the blue way too intense and I have to desaturate the shot a lot to get the color back to where it should be. Anyone else have this problem with blue colors? (No, Carol, it's just YOU!) ©Carol Leigh
Definitely not just you :-) It's also not a new issue. I remember having problems waaaay back in film days.
Yup. Me too. Blue and purple almost always have to be adjusted. My 5D and Brigitte's XSi both were guilty big time, my Mk II is better but...
On my screen here at work, the color looks perfect to me. We have some of these in our front yard.
By the way, several days ago, yer RSS feed stopped showing me the photos in Google Reader. Didja do something to it, or is it just me?
What's weird is that the RAW file coming straight out of the camera is perfect, it's the RAW conversion in Adobe Camera Raw that's mucking things up. I went to try BreezeBrowser's RAW converter, but the version of BB I have doesn't support the Canon 50D. Naturally.
And Jim, yeah, I did something to the blog parameters so that just part of a posting would show in Google Reader rather than the entire thing. I didn't think it would remove the photo, however. Sorry for the inconvenience. -- Carol Leigh
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