It was a challenge photographing from the train window, and most of what I shot was awful: burred images through a dirty window. But the view from the train is unique, and so (to me) the pictures were interesting anyway. Here the train is zooming over a lagoon near Carlsbad and I like what I was able to create -- scenery with a sense of movement as well as a bit of clarity. Hoo ha! ©Carol Leigh
This is a very strong image that seems well balanced in a weird sort of way. That's not a snide comment but it reflects my inability to say *why* I like it so much.
Just for the record, what is that marvelous object?
What a beautiful image. Truly captures the feeling of that area. Like the square format too.
Fabulous! With the title, I can imagine the object as a RR crossing sign. Whatever it is, it makes the image!
Hmmmm . . . the "mystery object" is a lone palm tree. When you click the thumbnail you get a larger version of the photo. If it's not obviously a palm tree THEN, then I've got to re-think the photo. So thank you both James and Marianne for the feedback. And Judy, thank you, too, for always being so darned positive. -- Carol Leigh
Love the layers of repeating blurred color punctuated by the lone object. I'd be overjoyed if I'd taken this shot.
Your reaction is interesting. It seems that you had something in mind and somehow we're not getting it? Even knowing that it's a palm tree doesn't help me "see" it. The object is so straight and the foliage small that I took it for a light pole though that didn't make any sense in context.
Regardless of what you were trying to say, you've said something very pithy. I could see this image on the cover of a piece of fiction. It has a nice bit of mystery about it that maybe is best left a mystery... Just one fool's opinion.
I LOVE this image! I know how hard it is to make a "good" blurred image, and this is lovely. What I especially like is that so much of it is blurred, but the palm tree looks pretty much in focus. Nice juxtaposition. (Do I get points for using an extra big word???)
Thanks, CJ, for (a) your enthusiasm for the photo and (b) for your polysyllabic prowess! -- Carol Leigh
I saw it as a palm tree even on the small image, but maybe because that's what I would expect. Someone from Maine might not see it that way.
It is an incredible image! As are all the ones from this trip. You sure get a lot of "mileage" out of a trip!
I like this a lot Carol. The cool hues are, well, cool : ) Such a dreamy quality. Way to go!
Thank you both, Diane and Ms. "blaf." Glad you saw it as a palm tree, Diane -- I was beginning to doubt myself. And "blaf," it's always good to know you're still in the photographic mix. -- Carol Leigh
OK -- you gotta 'fess up. Did you manage to keep it unblurred by holding its position that still on the sensor while the rest of the scene whizzed by? It is so elegant. Reminds me of a Giacometti. I love motion blurs!
Well, Diane, Miss Smartypants, first of all, I had to go look up "Giacometti!" And when I did, I realized that the last thing I photographed at the Getty a few weeks ago was a Giacometti sculpture!
I will show how I created this, but not right now. Am getting ready to drive inland for an appointment this morning and to stop at a (drum roll) brand-new Trader Joe's that opened up. (We're taking a cooler!) It's two hours away, but for us, that's CLOSE. So stay tuned . . . Carol Leigh
And I bitch that I have to drive 15 min to a TJ's. But I'd trade it for your beaches any day! I'll stay tuned. I've got a theory....
Ahem, MY beaches? You live pretty darned close to some spectacular beaches yourself, missy. And still stay tuned, because I've not prepped my response yet. But I'd like to know your theory. Let me know, and then I'll show you what I did. "Show me yours, and I'll show you mine." -- Carol Leigh
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