I took a day for myself yesterday, traveling some back roads of Oregon, on my way to an art show featuring recycled materials. Well, the art show was everything that made me uncomfortable -- crowds of people, small spaces, congestion, inability to really see the art, and cellphone talkers blocking corridors: "I'm here at the end of the hall. Can you see me now? No, as you're facing the FRONT of the building. Now can you see me? I can see YOU!" God forbid that he should just shut up and walk 75 feet to his friend. But I digress.

It was enjoyable driving along, taking whichever road caught my fancy, past barns and goats and junky cars. Some of the coolest things, however, were inaccessible. And we all have been there: a barn, an animal, a scene, and there's no place to pull over and stop, and there are 12 cars behind you all wanting to go faster than you, and three miles later, when you can finally do a U-turn and go back, you're in the same damned situation, with no place to stop, cars piling up, and, well, you know.
What I ended up doing was stopping in a couple small towns, parking near the grain elevator, and walking around. If there was a railroad track nearby, BONUS! So I came home with a lot of photos of corrugated metal, texture for my photomontages, numbers and rivets on train cars, and peeling paint.This kind of stuff makes me happy, but I know it's not the most interesting for the rest of the world.

Bottom line? Other than our population is WAY out of control and we act self-centered and rude a lot of the time, it was a good day! I can't ask for much more than to be out of the house, traveling roads I've never been on, seeing, photographing, and under no pressure. We ALL could use a bit more of that, don't you think? ©Carol Leigh
The world at large may not find these images interesting, but I love details and vingettes. It looks like you had a good day!
I had a very good day! Thank you for stopping by. Nice to meet another weirdo, I mean, person of discriminating taste, who likes details and vignettes. -- Carol Leigh
"There's gold in them thar hills..." It is amazing what nice weather or an art sale will create quite the stir, traffic, crowds and such. As like a bear in hibernation for the winter, spring is the time to get back out... Hopefully, that all brings sales to the artists. But, being within it can be stressful.
I like your "exit stage left" escape route... I too have found many photo treasures simply traveling roads, following the light, moment and allowing creativity to unfold. Discovering new places.
Your ability to find various objects, put them together and create works of art is amazing. There are those that enjoy working on puzzles, but you have the ability to create them from scratch. For those places that you cannot stop or get to, I am sure you are making an artists mental note to create something similar from the pieces that you find along the way.
As many cycles continue, the end result of having work shown and having those crowds purchasing art is the other side of the rainbow. Here's to creating magic, rainbows and being successful.
Great work Carol!
I thought that this comment you made was interesting: "There are those that enjoy working on puzzles, but you have the ability to create them from scratch."
I hadn't thought of the photomontage work I'm doing as a puzzle, but that's exactly what a lot of them are.
Painting, too, is a puzzle of sorts. You put something here, then you blend something there, and then decide it needs more weight down there so you choose an effect that will do that.
This is something that's going to be banging around in my head for awhile. Maybe when I have the luxury of doing so, and can write more than two coherent sentences in a row, I'll address your concept more fully. It's an interesting one. Thank you. -- Carol Leigh
Found your site looking for wildflower reports. Your site is very helpful and encouraging. I'm heading out early Friday morning for Figueroa Mtn to photo wild things. Hope to get there just a tad before sunrise, about a 2 hr drive from Camarillo. From here I hope to make Manzana Creek and look for Swallowtail butterflies feeding along the creek on wiodflowers. From here I may find my way to the 166, then to 58 and on to Carizzo Plainns and then finish at the I-5 on the grapevine.
Who knows how it might end, I just know along the way there will be many photos taken.
Loved your pics and techniques.
You won't be reading this until you return from your trip (or ever), but I'm sure you're going to find a veritable PLETHORA of photo opportunities and I'm glad the Wildflower Hotsheet is helpful to you. May your photos exceed your expectations. -- Carol Leigh
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