Monday, March 15, 2010

Fleur d'Leigh

Chris brought flowers home yesterday and so this afternoon I decided to do some photography. I put them up on the kitchen counter and used window light coming from my right to illuminate them. A PhotoFlex diffusion disk/translucent reflector softened the light a bit. I used a 50mm lens and an extension tube, the lens set at f/1.8 for minimum depth of field. Lovely colors. Wonderful guy for bringing me flowers! ©Carol Leigh


Judy said...

Thanks Chris. We all get to enjoy them via Carol's photos. Love it!

Diane Miller said...

Beautiful! The colors in the BG are the perfect touch. Wonderful guy!!

Stephan Dietrich said...

A work of art Carol! Awesome colors, lighting, glow, DOF and bokeh. Now your bouquet will be preserved in pixels and "reach out" to many others as it is now on your blog. Thanks for sharing!