I put a 50mm lens on the camera plus an extension tube and began wandering around the house, looking for things to photograph. I knew I wanted super-shallow depth of field, so I set the lens aperture at f/1.8. I turned on the faucet in the bathroom just to see what it looked like . . . love the bokeh -- the out-of-focus highlights over on the left. I also like the overall light and airy feel of the shot. A masterpiece? Of course not. Just playing around. ©Carol Leigh
Not too many folks can be found taking photos of running water in the bathroom...but somehow I'm not surprised you did. :-)
It's a good lesson though, one I need to keep remembering...I don't have to go to exotic places, there's plenty to photograph at home.
I have a very similar shot and laughed wondering if you ended up (as I did) cleaning the tap after you looked at your first image :-)
YES! One never realizes how yucky things get until you photograph them! Sheesh! -- Carol Leigh
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