Sunday, December 20, 2009

Offloading crabs

The boat pulls up to the dock and containers of freshly-caught crabs are lifted out and set on the dock to be briefly scrutinized and then weighed and carted away. That one fisherman seems to be quite enamored of his catch! (Alas, he closes his eyes every time he smiles!) Are these good photos? Nope. But they're photos that, when seen as a group, tell a story of sorts. ©Carol Leigh


Anonymous said...

Yes, it tells a yummy story. How great to watch them unload the catch of the day. Wish I were there to capture the flavor of the moment.
Will be over for lunch.

Carol Leigh said...

We had our first cracked crab the other day and it was GREAT! Would love to have shared it with you . . . -- Carol Leigh

gottago said...

I like stories. Keep 'em comin'. You couldn't take a bad photo if you tried.

I LOVE crab btw. Thanks for making me drool.